It is time for concrete gestures for all those who constantly live mockery on their skin concerning their outward appearance, and it is time to stop this phenomenon that has been looming for millennia on the streets of the city that serve as places of experience.
What if you were the weak tomorrow ?
The "" has reported on its page newspaper titles from all over the world to make people understand how extremely important this problem is.
Are Violence, Aggression, Cruelty, Prevailing, Oppression still a reality in 2021?. Can we really still accept this funeral home, capable of inflaming the human soul with repression, malaise and helplessness in the face of a monster larger than ourselves, difficult to defeat with our feeble strength?.
It is on days like these, when the moon gives way to the Sun, the world begins to be inhabited, the birds herald the occurrence of a new daily adventure, that the micro set of society that celebrates silence under form of deafening words would like to shout to the whole world "STOP ANY FORM OF BULLYING".
As reported on the aforementioned website “the numbers are worrying: 68% out of 6,000 adolescents between the ages of 13 and 23 of age claim to have witnessed episodes of bullying, or cyberbullying, while 61% are victims. Boys and girls express suffering from episodes of psychological violence inflicted by peers (42.23%) and in particular 44.57% of girls report the strong discomfort felt by receiving unwelcome online sexual comments, known as "trolling "".
The Internet often takes on “shady facets” since people are attracted to this virtual world which sometimes turns out to be cruel. You just need to establish some sort of contact with people, take some provocative photos and the game is done: your photos, together with all your personal data may end up travelling freely across the “dark side” of the web, the one represented by all those people who take advantage of your naivety and trade your private information for their personal profit. Besides that, there’s the case of the so-called "keyboard lions" who fill their frustrating and dissolute life with a rough essence that knows nothing but thinks to know everything, ridiculing people who may experience some discomfort and grief about their inner self and who overcome bullying with a smile. In addition, old prejudices (that should be defeated) still persist, even if they belong to the minority of people: 15.21% of boys consider as an "easy girl" the one who decides to share photos or videos of a sexual nature with a partner. The same connotation that is found in the archaic lemma of "stuprum" described as an illicit act committed by female figures to "lend themselves" to a man different from the husband and which entails for the latter the right to feel free to exercise repressed violence shamelessly.
“I t I s n o t e n o u g h t o s e e, w e n e e d t o s e e t h r o u g h e y e s t h a t w a n t t o s e e,
t h a t b e l i e v e i n w h a t t h e y s e e”.
The role we play often has a lot to do with the "concept of self" and self-esteem. By "concept of self" we mean the theory that everyone develops about himself/herself, and that is the perception and knowledge of their own characteristics, beliefs about themselves and their abilities; in a nutshell, the impression that each individual has, and that they think distinguish them from others. Even witnesses, real spectators of bullying, can suffer from consequences, as they are called to choose whether to act in favour of the victim or the perpetrator, or ignore the event altogether, (up to the point of carrying out conspiratorial behaviour). On a psychological level, viewers can develop a sense of guilt or activate complex defense mechanisms to cope with traumatic situations. Moreover, sometimes there is a lack of perception of the gravity of the actions that fall within this sphere, to the point of underestimating the consequences of the phenomenon. One of the many victims among public figures was the former Minister of Education, Lucia Azzolina: she revealed it a few weeks ago, during the Safer Internet Day 2021 "Together for a better internet".
“#Never more bullying” is the title of the first television social coach focused on this fluent theme: transversal because it affects everyone, including families, schools and institutions. The stories are set directly in the classrooms for an unfiltered diary of images and stories that uses the teenagers’ language. They are truthful stories that intersect like tangles of a barbed wire and that mark our existence. Does it take so much?. It must be done.
Do not pay attention to those who will choose to make you suffer one day, who will tell you "you won’t make it" because they have already failed. Stand for those who know who you are, for those who ask you how you are, for those who say, “you are beautiful”, even when you don't see it. Stay for those who won't go anywhere, if they’re not with you.
To you, who are the sum of all the times you said " everything will be fine".
Look after yourself.
It's okay.
Marika Mazzone IVBu, Liceo Bianchi Dottula - Bari
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