On 27th February most students of 4° class of “Scienze Umane (LES)” enjoyed school time in Teatro Petruzzelli, where “Quartetto del dialogo nazionale tunisino”, Nobel prized for Peace 2015, witnessed their difficult mediation actions in Tunisia.
What a difference to have a law lesson in Teatro Petruzzelli than at school? The meeting in Petruzzelli started with metal-detective investigation and all students realized that it is more dangerous to learn legality and equality facing real life than in the book page. As we know, Teatro Petruzzelli might be sensible place for terrorist attacks that are our daily history . As participating students we realized to be involved in an interactive meeting is like to be in touch with history and terrorism. One of the “Quartetto del dialogo nazionale tunisino”, Avv. Abdelaziz Essid, who is member of the “ Ordine nazionale degli avvocati di Tunisia”, spoke with emotion and sensibility about “Primavera araba” and revolutions in Arabian countries where there were political conflicts, that are the reason why of the recently attacks on all parts of the world. All what happens today, from Bataclan in Paris on 13 of November 2015 to the last one in Ankara- Turchia and in Brand-Bassan in Costa d’Avorio on 13 of March 2016 is referred to previous historical conflict situation in Arabian countries. Avv. Abdelaziz Essid explained in very emotional way to the audience the “peace keeping role” that “Quartetto del dialogo nazionale tunisino” played in world background justifying the goals of their work in empowering the dialogue among the different political strengths in Tunisia and boundered countries. This experience in Teatro Petruzzelli lets students of 4°H of Liceo delle Scienze Umane-opzione economico-sociale of Ilaria Alpi in Rutigliano, to be aware about the importance of knowing past historical events to understand that they are the tracks of contemporary tragic terrorist actions. Students realized all what we live today derives from past.
Articolo scritto e redatto dalle alunne della classe 4° H del Liceo Economico-Sociale “Ilaria Alpi”- Rutigliano - curato dalla prof.ssa Carla Onorato, docente di lingua inglese.