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The UK Parliament is composed of two Houses: the House of Commons and the House Of Lords.The Italian Parliament is composed of two Houses, too: the "Camera del Senato" and the "Camera dei Deputati".

The House of Commons (composed of ordinary people) in England sends bills to the House of Lords for comment. A majority in both the Houses needs to vote in favour of a bill before it becomes law. The members of the House of Commons are elected by the people at a General Election. The members of the House of Lords are appointed by the Queen. The "Camera del Senato" is composed of senators appointed by ordinary people and are 315 members; the "Camera dei Deputati" instead is composed of 630 deputies appointed by ordinary people, too. They are elected by Universal Suffrage and they remain in office for five years.
The functions of the Italian Parliament are:
-constitutional revision
-political address
-executive control
These are the main differences between the UK Parliament and the Italian Parliament. In my opinion the difference that makes us less proud of our parliament and our country is the corruption of some members of the parliament and their little and superficial interest in the Italian policy, even if these are only rumours.
Valeria Rana, III C/SU
Liceo classico, Linguistico e delle Scienze Umane “F. De Sanctis” Trani

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